Czech highly-talented one-man formation Frontier Guards back now with a new material and on new label. OBLIVION
Memories and oblivion. Paths and crossroads. You close one door, the other opens. There are many ways, and many times we must choose: Should I go straight or tortuous way? Should I definitely close these doors and start a new chapter? Time doesn't have to cure, path can. It can lead forth, but it can lead back too. No matter how scary or beautiful was the past, it doesn't have to be forgotten. Man can either return back to his past or run away from it. Sometimes, even a way back means a step forward. Maybe forgetting the past is just an illusion. Memories may be just independent entities, that don’t want to be forgotten – in good or bad. They can direct us right or wrong way, so we all often choose to forget, run away or repress our memories. Is an oblivion a cure or an illusion? Isn't a look back necessary to keep us going, so we learn how to make the right decision on which way to go?