Architrav .... the solo project of the Mnemonic member M. Belletz."
Arctic museum " .....cold, introspective, icy Ambient. Architrav takes
his listeners on a trip by a cold, ice-overcast scenery. *Crystal clear
atmospheres are ensnared by partly menacingly active noises *and melt
therefore to an icy sound carpet.Monotonous structures provide a feeling
of the loneliness and allow to foresee a freezing silence. It seems like
the rest before the storm. The perfect soundtrack for the next hot summer.
"re-paired museum" (cd2) contains Remixe and interpretations of some
"Arctic museum" tracks. Mnemonic, Fjernlys, Nerthus, Antlers Mulm,
polygon, Lovespell and alarms have worked on tracks and have given them
your personal touch. The cd's are housed in an elegant 6panel cardboard cover.