“Twilight Rituals” is the complementary twin album to “Waiting For The Twilight”, created during the very same recording sessions. "Twilight Rituals" also is the matrix of “WFTT” but, according to T.A.C. wicked logic, being conceived before it had to be released after…
T.A.C. keep on in pursuing their aural alchemy of psycho-ambient soundscapes, and hypnotic songs achieving atmospheres not so distant from “Waiting For The Twilight”. This time sounds are more determinate and static but once again not easy to be classified and still carrying the listener in a surreal world without any fixed reference-point . "Twilight Rituals" presents obscure hypnotic atmospheres, faint..., in which everything is mixed and confused…; where the sound is scanning and the light is indefinite..., with a sort of sensation of big suspense and the "things", especially sounds, are never what they seem to be… Sicked chants and hyper-electronical sounds, destructured (un)human female voices with acoustics soundscapes...