Less than a year's passed since the release of "Twilight Rituals” and T.A.C. are back with a new full length album, maybe the band most accessible effort to date. But don't expect a pop oriented sell out… Instead be prepared to fall inside T.A.C.'s kaleidoscope once again. And again…
While supposed to slow down their recording activity for a while, during the summer of 2003 the band undertook a series of free form improvisational sessions that in a very short time brought to a bunch of fully produced new compositions… their twelfth release actually. T.A.C. sonic trip goes on through unexplored territories, forcing the borders between electronica and new psychedelic soundscapes, making room for gentle ballads merciless deconstructed…
Enter now T.A.C.'s surreal and swirling world. The tribernetic shamans are back