The bass pulses threateningly, but this album by album Laurent Perrier is moving away from rhythm and moving in on into textures. The synthetic pulsations that open this new opus are accompanied by electronic bleeps and clicks. An approach comparable to certain works of Frank Bretschneider and Taylor Deupree; abstraction made from minimalist groove. These high-tech sounds are coupled with plaintive stretches (interiors) or a melodic buzz that progressively amplifies (ohm.05 part.1). All these elements underline the strangeness in this cerebral music. Inversely, a few clearer notes break through like luminous rays (equation part.2). Amongst other singularities that pop up in a track, a furtive and disorderly drumming (ohm.05 part.2), an ambient interlude (aquafish) and abstract harmonies (look part.6). Undeniably, Laurent Perrier has his own way of exploring what is called “microscopic-music”, and has given it texture and depth that it so often lacks by others musicians.