"Plays Michael Mantra" is an atmospheric project by Rod Modell (deepchord / echospace) consisting of two 30-minute long tracks. Here Modell portrays the feelings and sensations that he was experiencing on a recent late-night train ride, where he was listening to "a/b" by Michael Mantra on headphones, and was fascinated with the way a/b blended with the sounds of the trip. On "Plays Michael Mantra" Modell created soundscapes that are reminiscent of that night, and then had Mantra's a/b playing in the background (as it was on the train). Made from delicate chime sequences, synth tones, space-echoes, and recordings of distant trains passing through the night. The overal effect is somewhat melancholy, but very soothing and familiar, like sleeping on a rainy night. Epic and majestic ambient sounds that twinkle like stars in the night sky. Extraordinary for late-night listening.